
Success Story

Currently I know only Edhis as my parents, yet don’t know who my real parents are. As when I was 2 years old, at that time I had introduced to Edhi, as I try to recollect, I only able to trace out the memories of someone, who by perverting me had taken to Edhi centre. Thereafter my real life started to pass on in the Edhi Centre – where I am happily living there. Edhi organization tried their best to search my parents, yet it proved unsuccessful. Now as I have grown to the age of 27 years, my life is dedicated for Edhi Foundation. Mr. Abdul Sattar Edhi and Mrs. Bilqees Edhi are like my parents. I am really grateful and thankful to them, as they have fostered me throughout the period I remained in Edhi Centre they took extreme care of me. With their assistance and support, I am now married, and have one daughter. During the whole period, Edhi organization never let me with feeling of loneliness, yet frankly speaking, they gave me the feelings of warmth and affection, all the times. For their patronage, for their nurturing, for their caring, for their every sort of help they have extended to me, I don’t have words to express my feelings of thankfulness.

Ahmad physically is a handicapped boy by his deaf and dumb disabilities. He studied at Edhi Foundation that assisted him to get the technical skills. He is extremely a hard working boy, and works with great diligence at Edhi Foundation. He has married with an unclaimed girl, living in Edhi homes, thus he and his spouse are living a happy life. They are fully committed and dedicated to promote the cause of Edhi Foundation.

Khurram Shezad and Amir, both are part of Edhi foundation, ever since they entered into the Edhi Centre. Both of them are suffering from the disabilities like deaf and dumb. Both children were given education at Edhi Foundation. They initiated their social and practical lives after acquiring technical skills at Edhi organization. During the process of learning at Edhi Foundation, we found both highly hard working, and their iron works indicated their sense of responsibility. Both have married to the unclaimed girls – living in the Edhi homes. Thus both of them are living with far more happiness and satisfaction with their wives in Edhi Foundation.

These are the memories of past 1989, when my father passed away, at that time I was lapsing the life of loneliness. Although I tried my best to overcome the issues came across, yet didn’t succeed, thus I ultimately decided to go to Edhi home. Since then my terms with Edhi Foundation started to develop, and now I am greatly happy with the kind assistance, without any exaggeration the affectionate attention of our uncle Edhi – who is treating me like my parents, has given me the feelings that I am living in my real home. I don’t have words to express my feelings. May Allah Almighty Bless our uncle Edhi, with far more success and happiness, Ameen!!!